Willy Robijns

EFIP President 2006-2010 / Vice President 2010-2014.

When I became EFIP President in 2006, I had been involved in EFIP since 1998, representing the then NV Zeekanaal and Watergebonden Grondbeheer Vlaanderen (now De Vlaamse Waterweg). The challenges were not minor: finances had to be put in order (less expenditure, more income), there were the negotiations with the European Sea Ports Organisation to achieve closer cooperation through optimising available resources. On the upside, we had to function without a secretary-general for almost 1 year.

The negotiations with ESPO led initially to the formation of a joint platform in 2007 and a joint secretariat in 2009. The first Director became Isabelle Ryckbost. My mandate as president ran until 2008, but was extended by 2 years until 2010 at the request of Roland Hörner, director of the Rhein-Neckar- Hafengesellschaft Mannheim. The latter then became president in 2010. I myself then became vice-president until my retirement in 2014.

During the period as a member of the Executive Committee, as President and as Vice-President, I have always found it a great honour to defend the interests of the inland ports and, above all, to promote the inland ports in their role as multimodal hubs.

I also look back with pleasure (and nostalgia) on the rewarding and valued cooperation with colleagues from the other inland ports and with the secretariat staff. Many of them became true friends. I sincerely hope that this celebration of 30 years of EFIP may be the beginning of a new fruitful period and a further strengthening of inland ports in the logistics chain.

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Caroline Nagtegaal

Member of European Parliament 2019-2024
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Willy Robijns

EFIP President 2006-2010-Vice President 2010-2014
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Hans-Peter Hadorn

EFIP President2014-2016 / Vice-President 2017-2021
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Friederich Lehr

EFIP President 2019-2022 / Vice- President since 2022.
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Rainier Reekmans

EFIP Vice-President 2009-2024
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